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ITER (English)

The Renewable Energy Walkway, inaugurated in 1998, is an initiative designed, promoted and carried out by ITER and the Cabildo de Tenerife. It is an open-air tour equipped with technological elements that represent the use of different sources of renewable energy and that is divided into thematic areas. Introduction to energy Thermal solar energy. Photovoltaic Solar Energy. Wind power. Other energies Energy saving measures In each of these areas, two types of exhibition elements are located: Renewable energy devices, mostly prepared so that the public can interact with them. Explanatory panels, with information about the subject of each area and the elements contained in them. The Renewable Energy Walkway is a one way route, which can be traveled by following the bank of the stream that runs through it. If you wish to take a guided tour of this facility, you must make a prior reservation through the visit reservation calendar that you will find in the Visits section of our website. www.iter.es Tour developed within the framework of the European SOSTURMAC project, co-financed by the INTERREG MAC 2014-2020 Program.
